Личная жизнь
33 года с 1969 по 2002 год она была замужем за Роберт Л. Джонсон. Вместе они основали развлекательную сеть ДЕЛАТЬ СТАВКУ. Они продали компанию Viacom в 1999 году. У них двое детей.
После развода с Робертом Л. Джонсоном в 2002 году ее состояние оценивалось примерно в 670 миллионов долларов. В 2009 году журнал Forbes оценил ее состояние в 400 миллионов долларов. В мае 2017 года собственный капитал Джонсона оценивался в 750 миллионов долларов.
24 сентября 2005 года она вышла замуж за главного судью окружного суда округа Арлингтон Уильяма Т. Ньюмана, который руководил ее разводом с Робертом Л. Джонсоном в 2003 году. Пара впервые встретилась три десятилетия назад, когда они вместе играли в спектакле.
В 2007 году Джонсон был удостоен звания одного из Библиотека Вирджинии «Женщины Вирджинии в истории» за ее карьеру и ее вклад в общество.
Джонсон Демократ, хотя в 2009 году она одобрила Республиканец Кандидат в губернаторы штата Вирджиния Боб МакДоннелл В начале октября 2009 года Джонсон издевался над заикаться кандидата в губернаторы от Демократической партии Creigh Deeds на митинге в поддержку кампании Макдоннелла. Позже она извинилась.
В апреле 2010 года Джонсон осудил губернатора Вирджинии. Боб МакДоннелл за его провозглашение в честь Конфедерат Месяц истории, потому что в нем не упоминается рабство.
Джонсон — глобальный посол ЗАБОТА, гуманитарная организация, борющаяся с глобальной бедностью. Я — мощный вызов Шейлы собрал более 8 миллионов долларов в 2007 году. Она является председателем Совета управляющих Парсонс Новая школа дизайна в Нью-Йорке и профинансировал открытие Центра дизайна Шейлы К. Джонсон, объединяющего классы, общественные программные пространства и галереи. Она сидит на досках VH1 Фонд «Спасите музыку», Американцы за искусство, то Школа образования Карри Фонд на Университет Вирджинии, а Университет Иллинойса Фонд. Джонсон также является послом Института здорового образа жизни, членом Совет по международным отношениям, и член Сигма Альфа Йота музыкальное братство.
Shaxsiy hayot
1969-2002 yillarda 33 yil davomida u turmushga chiqdi Robert L. Jonson. Ular birgalikda ko’ngilochar tarmoqqa asos solishdi Garov. Ular kompaniyani sotdilar Viacom 1999 yilda. Ularning ikkita farzandi bor.
Intervyuda Sheila Jonson o’zini BETga aylanganidan «uyalishini» aytdi. «Men buni ko’rmayapman. Bolalarimga ular ko’rmaslikni tavsiya qilaman», dedi u. «Biz BET-ni boshlaganimizda, bu shunday bo’lishi kerak edi Qara jurnal televizorda. Bizda jamoat ishlari bo’yicha dasturlar mavjud edi. Bizda yangiliklar bor edi … Menda bir shou bor edi O’smirlar sammiti, bizda dasturlashning xilma-xilligi bor edi, ammo muammo shundaki, keyinchalik video inqilob boshlandi … Va keyin bir narsa yuz bera boshladi va bu menga umuman yoqmadi. Esimda, o’sha kunlarda biz o’tirib, ushbu videofilmlarni tomosha qilib, qaysi biri davom etayotganini va qaysi biri yo’qligini hal qilar edik. Rassomlarni yozib olishda bizda juda ko’p reaksiya paydo bo’ldi … va biz ularni namoyish qilishni boshlashimiz kerak edi. Ushbu videofilmlarda ayollarning tasviri menga yoqmadi «.
2002 yilda Robert L. Jonson bilan ajrashganidan so’ng, uning qiymati taxminan 670 million dollarni tashkil qilgan. 2009 yilda Forbes jurnali uning boyligini 400 million dollarga baholagan. 2017 yil may oyida Jonsonning boyligi 750 million dollarni tashkil etdi.
2005 yil 24 sentyabrda u 2003 yilda Robert L. Jonson bilan ajrashishiga raislik qilgan Arlington okrug sudi sudyasi sudyasi Uilyam T. Nyumanga turmushga chiqdi. Er-xotin birinchi marta bundan o’n yil oldin ular birgalikda spektaklda o’ynashganida uchrashishgan.
2007 yilda Jonson ulardan biri sifatida taqdirlandi Virjiniya kutubxonasi «Virjiniya ayollari tarixda» martabasi va jamiyatdagi hissalari uchun.
Jonson a Demokrat, garchi 2009 yilda u ma’qullagan bo’lsa ham Respublika Virjiniya gubernatorligiga nomzod Bob McDonnell.2009 yil oktyabr oyining boshlarida Jonson duduqlanish Demokratik gubernatorlikka nomzod Creigh Deeds McDonnell kampaniyasi uchun mitingda. Keyinchalik u kechirim so’radi.
2010 yil aprel oyida Jonson Virjiniya gubernatorini qoraladi Bob McDonnell uning e’lonini hurmat qilgani uchun Konfederatsiya Tarix oyligi, chunki unda hech qanday ma’lumot yo’q edi qullik.
Шейла Джонсон была признана многими лидером, поскольку за всю свою карьеру получила несколько престижных наград.
Признанный медалистом Элеоноры Рузвельт Вал-Килл в 2012 году, Джонсон был удостоен чести как личность, чье далеко идущее влияние сделало наш мир лучше..
В 2018 году Джонсон получил медаль Линкольна, которую вручает Театральное общество Форда тем, кто своей работой, достижениями или личными качествами демонстрирует прочное наследие и характер, воплощенный в Авраам Линкольн.
В субботу, 18 мая 2019 г., Академия Линкольна в Иллинойсе предоставил Джонсону орден Линкольна, высшую награду, удостоенную Штат Иллинойс.
В среду, 16 октября 2019 г. Фонд женского спорта удостоил Джонсона награды Билли Джин Кинг за лидерство.
Early Years And Education
Sheila Crump Johnson was born on 25th January 1949, in McKeesport, Pennsylvania, in the United States. Her father was a neurosurgeon, and her mother was an accountant. Johnson’s parents were both talented pianists, and Sheila Crump followed in her parents’ footsteps by also becoming a talented musician. By the age of nine, she was an accomplished violinist.
Sheila Johnson studied at Proviso East High School in Illinois, and she graduated in 1966. While in high school, Johnson was the concertmaster of the Illinois All-State Choir.
She then attended the University of Illinois, gaining entry through a full scholarship to study music. During orientation week, she was assigned Robert Johnson as her mentor. Johnson would become her husband in 1969. In 1971, Johnson graduated with a bachelor’sdegree in music performance and education.
Sheila C. Johnson Biography
Sheila Crump Johnson is an American businesswoman, co-founder of BET, CEO of Salamander Hotels and Resorts, and the first African-American woman to attain a net worth of at least one billion dollars.
Johnson is team president, managing partner, and governor of the WNBA’s Washington Mystics, a position she earned before the 2005 season. She is the first African-American woman to be an owner or partner in three professional sports franchises: the Washington Capitals (NHL), the Washington Wizards (NBA), and the Washington Mystics (WNBA).
As CEO of Salamander Hospitality, a company she founded in 2005, Johnson oversees a growing portfolio of luxury properties. Woodlands Inn, in Summerville, SC, is one of only a handful of properties in North America to receive the prestigious Forbes Five Star and AAA Five Diamond ratings for both lodging and dining. In 2007, Johnson acquired Innisbrook, a Salamander Golf & Spa Resort. Set on 900 acres, this 72-hole resort in Innisbrook, FL hosts the annual PGA TOURs Transitions Championship and the LPGA Legends Tour Open Championship.
In 2006, Johnson was named global ambassador for CARE, a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty by empowering women because they have the unique power to help entire communities escape poverty. Sheilas I Am Powerful Challenge was instrumental in helping raise funds for CAREs important work. Johnson is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Johnson has long been a powerful influence in the entertainment industry as a founding partner of BET (Black Entertainment Television) and as a film producer. In partnership with other investors, her first film, Kicking It, premiered at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival in Park City, UT. She was executive produced her second film, A Powerful Noise, which premiered at the 2008 Tribeca Film Festival in New York and her third film, She Is The Matador. Her latest film, The Other City, about the HIV/AIDS crisis in Washington DC, premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival in April 2010. She was an executive producer of Lee Daniels’ The Butler in 2013.
A fervent supporter of the arts and education, Johnson was appointed by Barack Obama to the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities and served as chair of the board of governors of Parsons The New School for Design in New York. She has sat on the boards of Americans for the Arts, the Jackie Robinson Foundation, the Tiger Woods Foundation, the University of Virginia Curry School of Education, Howard University and the University of Illinois Foundation.
Sheila Jonson ko’pchilik uchun etakchi sifatida tan olingan, chunki u faoliyati davomida bir nechta nufuzli mukofotlarga sazovor bo’lgan.
2012 yilda Eleanor Ruzvelt Val-Kill medali sovrindori sifatida tan olingan Jonson uzoqdan ta’sirlanib, dunyomizni yanada yaxshi holatga keltirgan shaxs sifatida sharaflandi..
2018 yilda Jonson Linkoln medalini oldi Fordning teatr jamiyati o’zlarining ishi, yutuqlari yoki shaxsiy fazilatlari orqali abadiy meros va xarakterning mohirligini aks ettirganlarga. Avraam Linkoln.
Shanba, 2019 yil 18-may, Illinoysning Linkoln akademiyasi Jonsonga Linkoln ordeni bilan mukofotlandi Illinoys shtati.
2019 yil 16-oktabr, chorshanba kuni Ayollar sporti jamg’armasi Jonsonni Billie Jan King etakchi mukofoti bilan taqdirladi.
Jonson global elchi G’amxo’rlik, global qashshoqlikka qarshi kurashadigan gumanitar tashkilot. Sheilaning «Men kuchli chaqiruvman» 2007 yilda 8 million dollardan ortiq mablag ‘yig’di. U Boshqaruvchilar kengashining raisi sifatida ishlaydi Parsons Dizayn uchun yangi maktab Nyu-Yorkda va Sheila C. Jonson Dizayn Markazining ochilishini moliyalashtirdi, sinflarni, jamoat dasturlari maydonchalarini va galereyalarni birlashtirdi. U VH1 taxtalarida o’tiradi Musiqa fondini saqlang, Amerikaliklar san’at uchun, The Kori ta’lim maktabi Jamg’arma Virjiniya universiteti, va Illinoys universiteti Jamg’arma. Jonson shuningdek, Sog’lom Saytlar Institutining elchisi, a’zosi Xalqaro aloqalar bo’yicha kengash, va a’zosi Sigma Alpha Iota musiqa birodarligi.
After graduation, Sheila Johnson and her husband moved to Washington, D.C. Shortly after that, she found a position teaching violin at Sidwell Friends School, a very prestigious school in the area.
Unfortunately, even though the school was prestigious, the wages were not high, and Sheila Crump began teaching private violin lessons from home to earn extra money.
Johnson’s private lessons continued to grow, and it became a successful business. When Johnson had 100 students, she left her job to concentrate on her business full-time. She traveled with her students, taking them around the world to perform.
In the meantime, her husband found an investor, John Malone, who gave them a $500,000 investment to establish their own cable TV network, called, Black Entertainment Television (BET). They established the network in 1979.
In 1989, Sheila Johnson closed her music business to work full-time on the network with her husband. She took on the management of community relations, as well as a talk show for African-American youth.
BET began to give more airtime to music videos, and Johnson became increasingly unhappy with the direction the network was taking. She felt the sexually explicit nature of the music videos was portraying the wrong example to families, and, particularly, young women.
Sheila Johnson spoke to her husband on various occasions, but her words fell on deaf ears, he wasn’t interested.
In 2000, BET was sold to Viacom for $3 billion. The Johnsons entered the top ranks of the wealthiest African-Americans in the U.S.
In 2005, Sheila Johnson founded Salamander Hospitality, a hospitality and management company. She has various properties owned by the company, including The Innisbrook Resort and Golf Club in Florida, Reunion Resort in Florida, and The Salamander Resort & Spa in Virginia.
Sheila Johnson serves as Vice Chairman of Monumental Sports & Entertainment. She has holdings in the Washington Mystics WNBA franchise, the Washington Wizards in the NBA, and the Washington Capitals in the NHL. She is the first black woman to hold ownership in three professional sports teams concurrently.
Sheila Johnson has also ventured into producing documentary films, and some of her films include A Powerful Noise (2008), and The Other City (2010).
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Sheilah Anderson Hogg-Johnson Ph.D.,Biostatistics, M.Math. Statistics
- Email Address(es)
- shoggjohnson(at)iwh.on.ca, sheilah.hogg.johnson(at)utoronto.ca
- Office Phone
- (416) 927-2027 x 2130
- Office Address
- Institute for Work and Health
481 University Avenue, Suite 800
Toronto, ON
M5G 2E9 - Division(s)/Institute(s)
- Biostatistics DivisionEpidemiology Division
- Position
- Associate Professor
- SGS Status
- Full Member
- Appointment Status
- Status Only
Other Affiliations
Epidemiology Division, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Institute for Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto
Institute for Work & Health, Toronto, Ontario
Current Research Projects
- 2010-present a study of the measurement properties of organizational leading indicators of occupational health and safety in Ontario workplaces
- 2010-present a study of different approaches to distributing occupational health and safety inspectorate resources in Ontario
- 2010-present a comparison of two cohorts of injured workers, one from 1993 and one from 2005, to identify whether changes in injured worker disability outcomes are most likely due to changing worker demographics, changes in injury severity, changes in workplace characeteristics or a change in workers’ compensation policy
- 2012-present a study to compare occupational health & safety outcomes in construction sector companies that are unionized to those not unionized
- 2012-present cross-jurisdictional comparisons of workers’ compensation polices and outcomes to evaluate system level features and their contribution to outcomes
Representative Publications
Hogg-Johnson S, Cole DC, Early Claimant Design Group, Prognostic. Modeling Workgroup. Early prognostic factors for duration on benefits among workers with compensated occupational soft tissue injuries. Occupational & Environmental Medicine 2003; 60(4):244-253. PMID 12660372
Hogg-Johnson S, van der Velde G, Carroll L, Holm L, Cassidy JD, Guzman J, Côté P, Haldeman S, Ammedolia C, Carragee E, Hurwitz E, Nordin M, Peloso P. Burden and determinants of neck pain in the general population: Results of The Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010 Task Force on Neck Pain and its Associated Disorders. Spine Feb 2008; 33(4S) Neck Pain Task Force Supplement:S39-51. PMID 19251074 PMID 18204398 Republished in J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2009 Feb;32(2 Suppl):S46-60.
Sears JM and Hogg-Johnson S. Enhancing the policy impact of evaluation research: a case study of nurse practitioner role expansion in a state workers’ compensation system. Nursing Outlook. 2009; 57(2):99-106. PMID 19318169
Hogg-Johnson SA. Differences in reported psychometric properties of the neck disability index: Patient population or choice of methods? Spine J. 2009 Oct;9(10):854-6. Epub 2009 Aug 6. PMID 19664967
Hogg-Johnson S, Cole DC, Lee H, Beaton DE, Kennedy C, and Subrata P. Changes in physiotherapy utilization in one workforce: Implications for accessibility among Canadian working-age adults. Healthcare Policy. 2011 Feb; 6(3):93-108. PMID: 22294994
Koehoorn M, McLeod CB, Fan J, Mcgrail KM, Barer ML, Côté P and Hogg-Johnson S. Do private clinics or expedited fees reduce disability duration for injured workers following knee surgery? Healthcare Policy. 2011; 7(1):55-70. PMID: 22851986
Hogg-Johnson S, Robson L, Cole D, Amick III BC, Tompa E, Subrata P, Smith PM, Van Eerd D, Mustard CA. A randomized controlled study to evaluate the effectiveness of targeted occupational health & safety consultation or inspection in Ontario manufacturing workplaces Occup Environ Med 2012Dec;69(12):890-900. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2011-100333.; PMID:22918898
Davis AM, Perruccio AV, Ibrahim S, Hogg-Johnson S, Wong R, Badley EM. Understanding recovery: Changes in the relationships of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) components over time. Soc Sci Med. 2012 Dec;75(11):1999-2006. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2012.08.008. PMID: 22940011
Perruccio A, Davis A, Hogg-Johnson S, Badley E. The importance of self-rated health and mental well-being in predicting health outcomes following total joint replacement surgery for osteoarthritis. Arthritis Care & Research (Hoboken). (Hoboken). 2011 Jul;63(7):973-81. doi: 10.1002/acr.20467. PMID 21425249