Интересные факты
- Нет совершенно никаких сведений, замужем ли Secret Crush, она же Скарлет Чейс, или официально не в браке. Но это значения большого не имеет, потому что молодая женщина точно не может пожаловаться, что ее личная жизнь пуста и одинока. Брутальный бородатый мужчина, такой же любитель посниматься в забавных видео – постоянный «соучастник» ее клипов: это явно не посторонний для нее человек. Зовут этого бородача Elic.
- Willow – собака, которую актриса приводит как пример подписчикам: мужества, терпения, позитивного отношения к жизни. «Она еще маленькая, но столько перенесла! Операция на глазах и на лапах, изоляция во время восстановления: у Willow было столько боли, но я ни разу ее не видела в плохом настроении!» – коммент Скарлет Чейс к фото, где женщина с собакой в обнимку.
- YouTube – это «отдельная планета у Secret Crush, а блогов там целых два. Первый посвящен демонстрации комплектов нижнего белья (периодически ну очень смелых). Второй видео-блог на ютубе у нее ведется прицельно на фитнес-тему. Там пока подписчиков немного, но число желающих посмотреть, как Скарлет Чейс «шлифует» великолепное подтянутое тело, постоянно растет.
Campaign themes
Ballotpedia survey responses
See also: Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection
Cory Chase did not complete Ballotpedia’s 2020 Candidate Connection survey.
Ballotpedia survey responses
- See also: Ballotpedia’s candidate surveys
Cory Chase participated in Ballotpedia’s candidate survey on July 3, 2018. The survey questions appear in bold, and Cory Chase’s responses follow below.
What would be your top three priorities, if elected?
“ | 1. Prioritize funding for schools, roads, healthcare and broadband internet by fairly taxing high-profit special interests.
2.Help end the corrupting influence of dark money and corporate SuperPACs on our electoral system. 3. Redistrict House and Senate districts along county lines. |
” |
What areas of public policy are you personally passionate about? Why?
“ | • Univesal Healthcare: when people are healthy and able to get proper care, they can contribute more to the economy. • Regenerative Agriculture and Indistrial Hemp: WV is prime territory for an agricultural revolution; one that includes transitioning to low/no till, cover crops and organic growing practices. Industrial hemp can help jumpstart a variety of jobs, especially manufacturing and farming.Cite error: Invalid tag; invalid names, e.g. too many | ” |
Ballotpedia also asked the candidate a series of optional questions. Cory Chase answered the following:
Is there a book, essay, film, or something else that best describes your political philosophy?
“ | Noam Chomsky. | ” |
What characteristics or principles are most important for an elected official?
“ | Compassion: our policymakers must have the wellbeing of their constituents at the heart of their decision making. Transparency: legislators must be held accountable and they must answer to the people honestly. Resolve: we need leaders that aren’t afraid to stand up for everyday taxpayers and are willing to do what’s right despite pressures from monied interests. | ” |
What do you believe are the core responsibilities for someone elected to this office?
“ | Being responsible for taxpayer dollars, making smart investments in our communities, protecting basic civil liberties and human rights, and upholding the Constitution. | ” |
Do you believe that it’s beneficial for state legislators to have previous experience in government or politics?
“ | I believe it is beneficial but not required. New blood is needed at times and “business as usual” often stinks of corruption and malfeasance. The revolving door of policymakers and lobbyists is one of the major problems in our political system. | ” |
What do you perceive to be your state’s greatest challenges over the next decade?
“ | Rising out of decades and decades worth of being oppressed as an extraction colony and embracing modern energy technologies and aggregate energy distribution models that favor consumers rights. Cleaner energy production will create lots of lasting jobs while enhancing regional energy security. | ” |
What do you believe is the ideal relationship between the governor and the state legislature?
“ | Accountability and the common goal of helping their constituents by creating policy that produces systems that, above all, help people to live productive and fulfilling lives. | ” |
What process do you favor for redistricting?
“ | We need proportional representation (PR), not winner-take-all. With PR, district lines are less important, meaning gerrymandering is almost nonexistent. In single-member districts (like mine) there can never be fair representation in a two-party system. PR allows for broader districts with multiple members, so that any major party usually gets a seat at the table, not just one party. This system has been shown to lessen gridlock in government and be more effective than our current system. | ” |
See also
2020 Elections
- Note: The candidate’s answers have been reproduced here verbatim without edits or corrections by Ballotpedia.
- Ballotpedia’s candidate survey, «Cory Chase’s responses,» July 3, 2018
- ↑ Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
Current members of the West Virginia House of Delegates
Majority Leader:Eric Householder
Minority Leader:Sean Hornbuckle
District 1
Pat McGeehan (R)
District 2
Mark Zatezalo (R)
District 3
Jimmy Willis (R)
District 4
Diana Winzenreid (R)
District 5
Shawn Fluharty (D)
District 6
Charlie Reynolds (R)
District 7
Charles Sheedy (R)
District 8
David Kelly (R)
District 9
Trenton Barnhart (R)
District 10
Everette Anderson (R)
District 11
Bob Fehrenbacher (R)
District 12
Vernon Criss (R)
District 13
Scot Heckert (R)
District 14
Dave Foggin (R)
District 15
Riley Keaton (R)
District 16
Steve Westfall (R)
District 17
Jonathan Pinson (R)
District 18
Jim Butler (R)
District 19
Kathie Crouse (R)
District 20
Geoff Foster (R)
District 21
Jarred Cannon (R)
District 22
Daniel Linville (R)
District 23
Evan Worrell (R)
District 24
Patrick Lucas (R)
District 25
Sean Hornbuckle (D)
District 26
Matthew Rohrbach (R)
District 27
Ric Griffith (D)
District 28
Mark Ross (R)
District 29
Henry Dillon (R)
District 30
David Adkins (R)
District 31
Margitta Mazzocchi (R)
District 32
Josh Holstein (R)
District 33
Jordan Bridges (R)
District 34
Mark Dean (R)
District 35
Adam Vance (R)
District 36
Anita Hall (R)
District 37
Marty Gearheart (R)
District 38
Joe Ellington (R)
District 39
Doug Smith (R)
District 40
Roy Cooper (R)
District 41
Jordan Maynor (R)
District 42
Brandon Steele (R)
District 43
Christopher Toney (R)
District 44
Todd Kirby (R)
District 45
Eric Brooks (R)
District 46
Michael Honaker (R)
District 47
Todd Longanacre (R)
District 48
Caleb Hanna (R)
District 49
Heather Tully (R)
District 50
David Pritt (R)
District 51
Tom Fast (R)
District 52
Larry Rowe (D)
District 53
Chris Pritt (R)
District 54
Mike Pushkin (D)
District 55
Moore Capito (R)
District 56
Kayla Young (D)
District 57
Douglas Skaff (D)
District 58
Walter Hall (R)
District 59
Andy Shamblin (R)
District 60
Dana Ferrell (R)
District 61
Dean Jeffries (R)
District 62
Roger Hanshaw (R)
District 63
Lori Cowger Dittman (R)
District 64
Adam Burkhammer (R)
District 65
Carl Martin (R)
District 66
William Nestor (R)
District 67
Elias Coop-Gonzalez (R)
District 68
Chris Phillips (R)
District 69
Keith Marple (R)
District 70
Mickey Petitto (R)
District 71
Laura Kimble (R)
District 72
Clay Riley (R)
District 73
Amy Summers (R)
District 74
Mike DeVault (R)
District 75
Phil Mallow (R)
District 76
Joey Garcia (D)
District 77
Joe Statler (R)
District 78
Eugene Chiarelli (R)
District 79
Evan Hansen (D)
District 80
John Williams (D)
District 81
Anitra Hamilton (D)
District 82
Debbie Warner (R)
District 83
George Street (R)
District 84
D.R. Jennings (R)
District 85
John Paul Hott (R)
District 86
Bryan Ward (R)
District 87
Gary Howell (R)
District 88
Rick Hillenbrand (R)
District 89
Darren Thorne (R)
District 90
George Miller (R)
District 91
Don Forsht (R)
District 92
Michael Hite (R)
District 93
Michael Hornby (R)
District 94
Larry Kump (R)
District 95
Charles Horst (R)
District 96
Eric Householder (R)
District 97
John Hardy (R)
District 98
Paul Espinosa (R)
District 99
Wayne Clark (R)
District 100
William Ridenour (R)
Republican Party (89)
Democratic Party (11)
О ее жизни, начале карьеры и внезапном успехе
Нет информации про то, как будущая звезда смелых материалов для взрослых провела детство, почему приняла решение сниматься в «горячих» видео, выкладывать в интернет дерзкие фото. Скарлет Чейс относительно недавно присоединилась к большой компании актрис сегмента «18+»: например, на «Онлифанс» она активна с 2020-го года, в Тик-Токе и на ютубе завела профили даже позднее – в 2021-м.
Первые съемки у Скарлет Чейс прошли для «P#rnhub», когда дерзкая австралийка уже была достаточно взрослой, и кто знает, что именно подтолкнуло ее на этот смелый шаг? Ковидная изоляция, когда много людей (в том числе и девушек) лишились работы и любой возможности зарабатывать, а также общаться с внешним миром? Желание вынести эротические фантазии на широкое обозрение?
Второе предположение более реально, потому что сама Secret Crush упоминала: «У меня в этом деле огромный аппетит, и я обожаю показывать, что умею и люблю делать». Еще артистка пикантных жанров не скрывает (и это у нее отлично получается), что жаждет не просто снимать откровенный материал, но и заниматься творчеством, то есть предлагать к просмотру мини-фильмы с интересным сюжетом. Как результат ее усилий, на PH летом 2022-го у Secret Crush:
- Ранг на позиции 60+;
- Почти 520 тысяч подписчиков;
- Просмотров видео – больше 200 миллионов.