Округ Хаскелл был основан в 1887 году. Он был назван в честь Дадли К. Хаскелла , бывшего члена Конгресса.
Происхождение пандемии испанского гриппа
Джон М. Барри , заслуженный научный сотрудник Центра биоэкологических исследований университетов Тулана и Ксавьера, Новый Орлеан, Луизиана, пришел к выводу, что в округе Хаскелл произошла первая вспышка пандемии гриппа 1918 года (получившая название «Испанский грипп»), которая погибли от 21 до 100 миллионов человек. Доктор Лоринг Майнер, врач округа Хаскелл, предупредил редакторов отчетов об общественном здравоохранении Службы общественного здравоохранения США о новом и более смертоносном варианте вируса. Он вызвал общие симптомы гриппа с новой интенсивностью: «сильная головная боль и ломота в теле, высокая температура, непродуктивный кашель … Это было сильным, быстрым распространением по всему телу, а иногда и летальным исходом. Этот грипп убил. десятки пациентов — самых сильных, самых здоровых, самых крепких людей в округе — были убиты так внезапно, как будто их застрелили ». Барри пишет, что в первые шесть месяцев 1918 года предупреждение Майнера о «гриппе тяжелого типа» было единственной ссылкой в этом журнале на грипп в любой точке мира.
Отчет шахтера не был опубликован до апреля 1918 года и не привлек необходимого внимания. Только после 2000 года исследования историков выявили происхождение одной из самых смертоносных эпидемий в истории человечества.
Историки обычно сообщают, что путь болезни из Хаскелла в мир произошел, когда только что призванные солдаты из графства прошли 200 миль от графства до Кэмп-Фанстон (ныне Форт-Райли ), а затем были отправлены в Европу в начале вмешательства Соединенных Штатов. в Первой мировой войне .
Выживание в пыльной чаше
Железная дорога и разработка нефтяных и газовых месторождений в 1930-х годах, а также размещение многих глубоких колодцев для орошения значительно улучшили экономику района, помогая преодолеть «пыльную чашу» того периода. Округ Хаскелл был одним из наиболее пострадавших округов Среднего Запада во время засухи 1930–1937 годов.
Первое родео и ярмарка были проведены в Саблетте в 1916 году, и ярмарка продолжается в том же месте. Первый школьный округ был основан в Санта-Фе в 1887 году. Аманда И. Уоткинс, владевшая значительным земельным участком в округе, была названа «Мировой королевой пшеницы» в 1926 году.
Colin Howell, now 61, pleaded guilty to the murders in 2010.
He was sentenced to 21 years before turning evidence on Ms Stewart.
She was sentenced to 18 years and has failed to overturn the conviction.
In police interviews the formerly respectable dentist said he had drugged his lover for sex sessions but insisted it had been consensual.
Former Sunday School teacher Stewart said she did not consent and had been caught up in a horrifically coercive relationship.
Hazel Stewart, pictured here with her second husband David Stewart, outside court during the 2011 trialCredit: PA:Press Association
Howell has never been charged over his behaviour towards her.
As well as the double murders, he was also convicted of the indecent assault of five women.
All had been drugged and abused while they were patients at his dental surgery.
Ms Stewart said: «He was very powerful in my eyes, whereas I would have been the complete opposite. I wouldn’t have had the confidence to think or behave like that, but he had all that knowledge from being a dentist.
«I wouldn’t have known that you could do that, that you could drug someone like that or that you would actually do that to someone.
«I was very naive.”
After the murders she was «holding a secret» and “had nowhere to go, I had no one to talk to, there was no one who I could confide in.”
The killings led to a 2011 book Let This Be Our Secret and the 2016 ITV drama The Secret, starring James Nesbitt as Howell and Genevieve O’Reilly as Stewart.
Ms Stewart believes she was used for drug experimentation by Howell, a father-of-nine to two wives.
She said he would gas her at his dental surgery and in what she is sure were practice runs for his assaults on patients.
She said: «Even when he was taking me to the surgery and gassing me, he was experimenting on me and I knew that. How could I stop it?
«My self-worth was on the ground, I was holding a secret that no one knew about.
«Most of the time I just wanted to die, I wanted it over.
«I didn’t care if he gassed me, I didn’t care because my life was not my own life.
«I couldn’t go anywhere, I couldn’t do anything.
«He always wanted to know where I was and what I was doing, and I couldn’t talk to anyone.
«And so, he did the things he did.
«He had a hold on me.»
She said: “People say ‘why did you let it go on so long, why did you not leave’ and I think that was the reason.
“I was scared to leave him because I didn’t know what he’d do, I didn’t know what he’d do, and he had so much on me that he held all the power.”She said she had been “vulnerable” and “a country person and moved from my home place up to Coleraine where I knew nobody” before she met Howell at church.
Both in unhappy marriages, they agreed to kill their spouses in a move that left her feeling she had nowhere to turn.
She said: “When all this happened and after Trevor and Lesley had died, I couldn’t talk to anybody, I never once talked to him (Howell) about what happened that night and he never once talked to me.
«I felt totally isolated, couldn’t talk to my family, I could talk to nobody.
«At times he was probably anxious and worried how I was coping and that maybe scared him in case I would go and say something, but I was too scared.
«I was living a life of trying to have him think it was okay, but couldn’t do anything, I couldn’t walk away, because what was he going to do to me, what was going to happen to me?”
2005 KDOT Карта округа Хаскелл ( легенда карты )
Округ Хаскелл разделен на три городка . Ни один из городов в округе не считается независимым от правительства , и все цифры для поселков включают данные для городов. В следующей таблице центром населения является самый крупный город (или города), включенный в общую численность населения этого поселка, если он имеет значительный размер.
Городок | FIPS |
Центр Населения |
численность населения | Население Плотность / км 2 (/ квадратные мили) | Площадь земли, км 2 (квадратных миль) | Площадь акватории, км 2 (квадратных миль) | Воды % | Географические координаты |
Дадли | 18825 | 1814 | 4 (9) | 499 (193) | 0 (0) | 0,03% | ||
Haskell | 30625 | 1 971 | 4 (10) | 498 (192) | 0 (0) | 0,07% | ||
Lockport | 41675 | 522 | 1 (3) | 498 (192) | 0 (0) | 0,09% | ||
Источники: |
She said that it wasn’t until the dentist’s trial that she knew he had drugged and assaulted other women.
She added: «I didn’t know he’d tried this with anyone else until all this came out, I didn’t know that.
«But I knew that he was experimenting on me, but why did I not stop that?
«Because my self-worth, everything, had gone. I couldn’t talk to anyone, I couldn’t tell anyone and I thought that was my life.
«It was doomed from that night he came to the house (and both spouses were murdered). That was it, it was over. I lost all respect for myself at times. I didn’t have the respect I should have had because I couldn’t get out of it.
«I was scared. What would he do? What would he say? What would happen? Would he come around to the house and do the same to me?
«Everything went through my head.
«That was all to hold me, to keep me there, not to leave because I was scared and that’s why I probably stayed.»
The Public Prosecution Service decided not to prosecute Mr Howell for the alleged rape and sexual assault of Stewart during their time together.
Her lawyers are planning to challenge that decision saying she is being discriminated against because she is in jail.
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After her conviction trial judge Mr Justice Hart said Ms Stewart could have saved her husband’s life if she had wanted.
The court had heard she had played a part in planning the double murders and disposed of evidence.
Genevieve O’Reilly, who plays Hazel Stewart, and James Nesbitt, who plays Colin Howell, during filming for ITV drama The SecretCredit: ITV
James Nesbitt and Genevieve O’Reilly in character as Howell and Stewart during a scene set in the dental surgeryCredit: ITV